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Valerie S.

Limor offers yoga to all ages and body types, and is as committed to the physical aspect of the practice as she is the emotional and spiritual side. She has helped me nurse my body back from injury with her nurturing approach, gently helping adjust the micro physical moves to the individual body's needs. Limor often encourages us to consider the physical challenges metaphorically, toward our own emotional growth. Her positive approach and encouraging voice sing sweetly in my head long after the class is over. She is a true gift to all who who know her and attend her classes.

Peyma O.

The state of the world these days makes me sad, mad, and stressed out. The 90 minutes I spend in Limor's yoga class is when I turn my gaze inwards, open my heart, and dedicate my practice to one of my loved ones. Her beautiful presence and smile make working hard and sweating fun! Love her music selection too!

Tilli K. 

Limor is truly passionate about mind body connection. Her classes are not only about the body but about how our lifestyle and psychological state affects our body. She has a holistic approach which I very much connected with. After each class I come out invigorated and relaxed. I would recommend Limor wholeheartedly. She teaches from the heart and every cell in her is devoted to her students.

Rania B.

Limor is a phenomenal teacher, yogi, and person.  I love her yoga flow classes — they are nurturing, challenging, and supportive all at the same time — as well as really fun!  I can absolutely say that any week that I get on the mat in her classes is a great week.

I cannot recommend Limor enough. She is by far the best yoga teacher I have had. She helps you challenge yourself, but also understands the need for relaxation and restoration. Limor describes positions in ways that help you understand exactly how you should be moving and positioning your body (which is great for both beginners and experienced yogis) and helps make sure you protect yourself from injury, or recover from existing ones. She is a total gem and I attribute much of my health (body and mind!) to taking yoga with Limor.

Dani G.

The first time I met Limor was the day before I gave birth to my son. My water broke, but I had no contractions, and the doctor recommended to start induction right away. I wanted give my body the opportunity for a natural birth, and decided to call Limor for a reflexology treatment after being recommended by friends. Limor left her birthday party early and quickly came over to the hospital room, with her magical, warm hands and a big smile, and was excited to help. 10 minutes into the session, steady contractions had started to occur. I was connected to a monitor and the nurses and myself were amazed to see the impact so quickly. Not only the constructions became regular, I also felt more energetic, relaxed and hopeful. The day after I was fortunate to give birth to my son naturally. I'm grateful for my labor experience, and was lucky to have Limor part of it!

Mor Y.

303 Parkside Dr., Palo Alto, CA 94306

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